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PSEB Class 12 Board Revised Exam Dates 2023


The revised datesheet for the PSEB class 12 board exams 2023 has been announced by the Punjab School Education Board (PSEB). According to the revised schedule, the PSEB class 12 board exams will be held from February 20 to April 21, 2023. The complete revised date sheet for the PSEB class 12 exams can be checked on the official website of the board -


One of the changes made by the PSEB Board is the rescheduling of the Environmental studies paper for PSEB class 12. The exam, which was previously scheduled for March 6, 2023, will now be held on April 21, 2023. Moreover, the board has also swapped the exam dates for the NSQF subjects' exam and the Music (Tabla) and fundamentals of e-business exam.

PSEB Class 12 Board Revised Exam Dates 2023

According to the updated timetable, the exam for NSFQ subjects has been rescheduled to take place on April 20, 2023, whereas the exam for fundamentals of e-business and Music (tabla) will now be conducted on April 6, 2023. The rest of the PSEB class 12 board exam dates will remain unchanged. Please refer to the table below for more details.


PSEB Class 12 Board Exam 2023 Details

The Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) has specified that the duration of the PSEB class 12 board exams will be 3 hours, except for the exams of Computer Science, NSQF, Physical Education, and Sports subjects, which will be conducted for a duration of 2 hours. Additionally, students will be given an additional 15 minutes to complete filling out their OMR sheets.

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