MBSE HSSLC Time Table Exams 2020

Mizoram Board of Secondary Education has its own system to manage the MBSE intermediate class annual exams 2020 in the allotted exams centers. The MBSE Inter class annual exams 2020 will be conducted after issue of the MBSE HSSLC date sheet annual exams 2020 to the students with the roll number slips, which the students need to bring with them during the exams. The students will follow the MBSE HSSLC Time Table Annual Exams 2020 as the papers will be held from 28 February 2020 to 30 March 2020 during the first shift from 10:00 am to 01:00 pm. The desired candidates have already submitted their application forms and the admission fee so that they may be allowed to appear in the MBSE 12th class annual exams 2020. The exams department will also conduct the MBSE class 12 practical exams schedule 2020 as the practical papers will be held from 18 February 2020 to 21 February 2020 on the times from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm. The students will ensure receipt of their admit cards and the schedule before the beginning of the papers, which are also shared online for the information and comfort of the students.
The Students can get their date sheet here.
MBSE 12th class annual exams 2020
MBSE HSSLC Time Table Exams 2020