JAC Class 11 2022 Results Widely Expected today

JAC is currently preparing to publish Jharkhand Academic Council Class 11th Results on their official website. Those who took the class 11th exams can obtain their results via a web address that'll be made available here on the result portal.
JAC Class 11th Result
From July 11th to July 7th, 2022, the JAC Board held eleventh class exam papers in two sessions. The JAC board has released the results of the Class 8 to 12 exams. The JAC Results 2022 will be available on the official website.
Educators must access the official website and sign up using Admit Card in the result link to view the JAC 11th Results 2022. Candidates may also obtain the JAC 11th Results 2022 by following the instructions provided.
How to Check JAC 11th Results 2022
Follow the steps given here to check the JAC 11th Results 2022.
Step 1: Visit the JAC official website
Step 2: Click on the JAC class 11 Result link available on the homepage
Step 3: Enter the JAC 11th Roll Code and Roll Number in the result link provided
Step 5: Download the JAC 11th Results 2022 for further reference
The results for classes 8th to 9th were released by the JAC board. Based on the statistics compiled, 502757 students took the JAC 8th exams, with 4541146 passage. In terms of the JAC 9th results, there were 480102 students registered, of which 472377 showed up and 435868 did not. The total passing rate for JAC 8th exams was 90.33 Percent, while the overall pass rate for Class 9 exams was 92.27 percent.
JAC Matriculation and 12th Examinations
In 2022, the total passing rate for 10th class exams has been 92.19 %, while the pass rate for class 12 channel wise had been 97.43 percent for Arts, 92.25 % for Science, and 97.43 percent for Commerce.