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IGNOU June TEE 2023 Final Date Sheet Released Check Here


The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has published the final datesheet (4th) for the June Term end exams 2023, and candidates who are planning to appear for these exams must obtain the datesheet from the official website at as the authorities have released it in PDF format.


According to the IGNOU June TEE 2023 Datesheet, the exams will be held between June 1 and July 6, 2023, and all exams will be conducted in two shifts, namely Morning and Evening. The morning session will be held between 10.00 am and 1.00 pm, while the evening session will run from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. However, the actual duration of the exam will be specified on the question paper.

IGNOU June TEE 2023 Final DateSheet

It is important to note that the table only includes the dates of the first six papers. The complete datesheet can be viewed by accessing the link mentioned above.


Morning Session (10:00 AM TO 1:00 PM)

Evening Session (2:00 PM TO 5:00 PM)

June 1, 2023

BHC05/ DECE01/ MER001/ MFP04/ MIS022/ PHE11/ MAW001/ 

BHDC134/ BMTE144/

MEG01/ MEV003/ MGS041/ MUD001/ CHE04/ ECO11/ BES061/ MEDS051/

BBYCT131/ BHIC114/ BSOC131/ BSOE141/ BANC101/

June 2, 2023

MIS021/ BHC06/ DECE02/ ECO09/ FST01/ 

BEGC134/ BZYET141/

MAM051/ MUD002/ MAL001/ BNRI101/CHE06/ BSM015/ TS07/ BGDG172/ BEGG172/ BPAG172/ BPCG172/ BPYG172/ BPCG176/ BSOG176 / BEGG174/ BPAG174/ BPCG174/ BANC132/ BBCCT107/  

June 3, 2023

MAW002/ RPS104/ BPSE212/ BLE004/ DECE03/ IBO4/ RMTE105/ 

BGGET141/ BUDC134/ BPHCT131/

MCS231/ BPY010/ BGS04/ BSM016/ RCHE002/ RGYE114/ BES062/ MEDS052/ BHDAE182/ BEGS185/ BPCS187/ BSOS185/ BCOS185/  

June 5, 2023

MCMM001/ MCMM101/ MHD02/ MPS001/ MSO001/ MEC101/ MEC001/ MLI101/ MGP001/ MFN001/ MSW001/ MES011/ MPY001/ MFC001/ MWG001/ MTT010/ MJM001/ MJM020/ MS01/ PGDT01/ MED001/ MLI001/ MES004/ MES081/ MIP101/ MEV001/ BCS011/ IBO1/ MEDS001/ BEDS004/ BEG005/ BES016/ BFEE102/ BHC014/ BHME102/ BNS014/ BNS102/ BNS202/ BPOI004/ BPOI104/ BPR005/ DCE04/ DTG004/ MIR011/ MEV024/ MVE001/ BPVI031/ BRL006/ ES331/ BPVI041/ MVEI011/ MME301/ ECO12/ BGP01/ RBC001/ RCO011/ LSE07/ MER002/ OVA001/ BGGET142/ BMTC133/ BPSC133/  

MSK01/ MHI01/ MPC001/MPA001/ MPA011/ MANI001/ MCFT001/ MDE411/ MEV11/ MDV101/ MGS001/ MMT001/ MCH001/ MPC051/ MLE011/ MSD011/ MBP001/ MCS011/MCS201/ BAB101/ MHYI044/ BPVI011/ CNSHC001/ OSEI041/ OULE001/ OUL001/ MGS042/ BMS001/ BSL001/ CHR11/ BSMA001/ BEV001/ BPYE001/ BSHF101/ BSSI011/ BES121/ RES101/ RAN101/ RSO101/ MAL002/ MRW005/ 


ONR003/ BEGG171/ BPAG171/ BPCG171/ BSOG171/ BABG171 / BPYG171/ BHDG175/ BPCG175/ BSKC132/

June 6, 2023

MHD03/MPS002/ MEC002/ MLII101/ MGP002/ MFN002/ MSW002/ MES012/ MAE005/MPYE001/ MFC002/ MAW003/ MWG002/ MTT011/ MJM002/ MJM021/ MS02/ PGDT02/ MLI002/ MES005/ MES082/ MIP102/ MEV002/ MEDS002/ BCS012/ IBO2/ BAP002/ RLE005/ RFL101/ RFN001/ BPOI003/ BPOI103/ ES332/ OVA002/ BGP2/BCS091/ AFWE01/ BHDA101/ BPAC134/ BPYC134/ BCHCT131/  

MSK02/ MHI02/ MPC002/ MPA002/ MPA012/ MANI002/ MRD102/ MCFT002/ MDE412/ MEV12/ MDV102/ MGS002/ MMT002/ MCH002/ MPC052/ MLE012/ MSD012/ MBP002/ MCS012/ MCS202/ MCS230/ BSM001/ BEV002/ MME011/ MGS043/ LSE06/ BES122/ MER005 / BNRI102/ BPY012/ BLI221/ BES063/ BPAS186/ BPCS188/ BCOS186 / BPSC132/ BPYC132/ BUDC101/ BEGS186/ 

June 7, 2023

MCMM002/ MCMM102/ MHD04/ MSO003/ MEC103/ MLI102/ MGP003/ MFN003/ MSW005/ MES013/ MAEE001/ MESE061 / MPYE002/ MFC003/ MWG003/ MEC003/ MTT012/ MJM003/ MJM022/ MS03/ PGDT03/ MED003/MED009/ MLI003/ MES006/ MES083/ MIP103/ BCS031/ IBO3/ LSE02/ RBC002/ RGG102/ RMS001/ RCO012/ BES018/ BFEE104/ BHME104/ BNS032/ BNS103/ BNS203/ BPOI001/ BPOI101/ BWEE005/ MGY002/ MGY102/ MIR013/ MVE002/ BPVI042/ BLP001/ MME302/ / BPVI032/ BRL008/ BSM005/ES333/ BGP3/ BCS092/ MIS023/ MER003/ OTH001/ 

BHIC110/ BPSC110/ BPCC109/ BECC107/ BMTC132/  

MSK03/ MHI04/ MPC003/ MPA003/MPA013/MAN001/ MRD103/ MCFT003/ MDE413/ MEV13/ MDV103/ MGS003/ MMT004/ MCH003/ MPC053/ MLE013/ MSD013/ MBP003/ MCS013/ MCS203/ MAM052/ BLI222/ RES102/ RAN102/ MAL003/ ‘


Group-6 ( EHD04/BEGE104/ /BEGE107/ EPS06/ EPS09/ EEC07/ BECE107/ EHI06/EPA06/ ESO16/ MTE13/ BPY011/ BULE006/ )/ BAB103/ BPVI012/ OULE002/ BSW043/ OSEI042/ BMS002/ BES123/ 


BHMCT101/ / BCOE141/ BTME141 / BZYCT131/ BANC113/ BPFT142/ BPSE142/ BGYET147/ BEGC132/

June 8, 2023

MHD06/ MPS004/ MSO004/ MEC004/ MLII102/ MFN004 / MSW003/ MES014/ MAEE002/ MESE062/ MPYE003/ MFC004/ MAW004/ MWG004/ MTT013/ MJM023/ MS04/ PGDT04/ MLI004/ MES007/ MES084/ MIP104/ MEV004/ BCS040/ RDV002/ RFLE106/ RFNE002/ RLE006/ AHE01/ BES019/ BHME105/ BNS104/ BNS204/ BPOI002/ BPOI102/ BWEE006/ DNHE01/ MGY003/ MGY103/ MIR014/ BJLI004/ OVA003/ ES341/ BCS093/ MSE024/BFD074/ BES001/ MIS024/ BANC105/ BECC105/ BEGC105/ BHDC105/ BPAC105/ BSOC105/ BPCC105/ BCOC138/ BGYCT133/ BANC134/  

MEG02/ MSK05/ MHI05/ MPC004/ MPA004/ MPA014/ MAN002/ MRD004/ MCFT004/ MSW012/ MDE414/ MEV14/ MDV004/ MGS004/ MMT005/ MCH004/ MPC054/ MLE014/ MSD014/ MBP004/ MCS206/ RES103/ RAN103/ BAB104/ BMS003/ ORU001/ OULE005/ BSW044/ BSWE002/ OUL002/ BSM002/ BSL002/ CHR12/ PHE15/ BEV003/ MME012/ BSSI013/ BPC003/ ECO05/ BES124/ MER006 / BNRI103/ BLI223/ MUD003/ TS06/


BECC132/ BUDC102/ BANE143/ BCHCT137/ BEGE141/  

The hall ticket for IGNOU June TEE Exams 2023 will be issued by the authorities shortly. Additionally, it should be noted that there may be unforeseeable circumstances that could result in a last-minute change of examination center. In such cases, the University will take appropriate corrective actions. Students who are affected by such changes are recommended to keep in touch with their respective Regional Center.

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