BSEB 12th Class Examination Date Sheet 2024

Bihar Board 12th Class Exam 2024: Essential Guidelines and Exam Details
The Bihar School Examination Board is set to kick off the BSEB Intermediate Exam today, February 1, 2024. This crucial examination will span from February 1 to 12, 2024, with candidates appearing for the science, arts, and commerce streams. The exam is divided into two shifts, with the first commencing at 9:30 am and the second at 2 pm.
Admit Card and ID: Candidates must carry their BSEB Class 12 Admit Card and school ID card to the exam center. The admit card, issued by the board, is a mandatory document and was distributed by schools after affixing the school stamp and seal.
Reporting Time: The first shift of the exam starts at 9:30 am, and students are advised to reach the exam center at least an hour earlier. Latecomers will not be permitted to take the exam.
What to Bring: Along with the mandatory documents, candidates are allowed to carry water bottles and the necessary stationery required for the exam.
What Not to Bring: Certain items such as mobile phones, Bluetooth devices, headphones, and smartwatches are strictly prohibited inside the exam hall. Additionally, students are not allowed to bring bags, purses, or wallets.
Exam Duration: The first shift concludes at 12:45 pm, and the second shift ends at 5:15 pm. Students are not permitted to leave the exam hall before the exam concludes.
Surveillance: Exam centers will be under CCTV surveillance, ensuring a fair and secure examination environment.
Result Announcement: The eagerly anticipated BSEB Class 12th Result Intermediate Science 2024 , Arts, and Commerce streams are expected to be announced by March 2024. Updates regarding the result announcement will likely follow the conclusion of the board exams. Students are encouraged to adhere to these guidelines for a smooth and successful examination experience. Best of luck to all candidates participating in the Bihar 12th Exam 2024.